I Sing the Mighty Power of God
Isaac Watts (1674-1748), who wrote some 750 hymns, published a collection in 1715 entitled Divine and Moral Songs for Children. The...
To the Next Generation
Paul trained his son in the faith, Timothy, to follow in his steps and to lead others in ministry. For over a decade Timothy traveled...
To Grow Spiritually, You Must...
How do you grow spiritually? How do you gain strength in doing the right thing and in resisting and putting off sin? How do you become...
Fatherhood, from God
Father's Day reminds us of the value and influence of fathers. Fathers have an essential role in the success of a family, a society, and...
He Is Able
Have you noticed, with the Apostle Paul, how the Lord “is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to...
"I Shall Know Him"
The great hymn writer, Fanny Crosby, attended a Bible conference in the 1890s, where she was asked about recognizing friends in heaven....
John the Baptist and Faith
John the Baptist served God as the forerunner of Christ. He announced the coming of the King and preached the gospel. Jesus called him...
The Final Authority in the OT
Historical Baptists have held to distinguishing marks of faith and practice, including that the Bible is the final authority for faith...
Nurture Your Mothering
Motherhood contains a treasure trove of gems that build and beautify the lives of those nurtured. Mothers have a God-given role. To...
Growing Our Children in Favor with Man
The final way in which Luke 2:52 says that Jesus, in His humanity, increased was in favor with man. People can be pleased. Our children...
Growing Our Children in Favor with God
The Bible teaches that Son of God shared eternal glory and fellowship with His Father. But when He came to the earth as a child, the Lord...
Growing Our Children in Stature
During His life on Earth, Jesus set aside the full exercise of His divine attributes to live in the frailty of humanity. As such, He...
Growing Our Children in Wisdom
Jesus grew as a child in wisdom, stature, and in favor with God and man. Since God made parents the caretakers of their children, parents...
Wisdom, Stature, Favor with God and Man
The Lord Jesus Christ is our example in every area of life, including how He grew as a child. As man, He set aside the full exercise of...
'Tis So Sweet to Trust in Jesus
The song “’Tis So Sweet to Trust in Jesus” was born out of great heartache and adversity. Its author, Louisa M.R. Stead, was born in...
An Honor to Preach
It is a high honor to preach God’s Word. Preachers proclaim truth. They announce “Thus saith the Lord!” They don’t mute the message, they...
Bible, Not Society
As Christians, we live in this world, but not of this world. Jesus asked the Father to keep believers (and specifically, His church) from...
Do You Really Want to Follow?
Often people will state that they want to follow Christ, and that can be encouraging. But the test comes when they are challenged about...
Be Not Weary in Well Doing
The Christian life can be described as a life of obedience. Paul calls it “being filled with the fruits of righteousness” (Philip. 1:11)....
If Your Opportunity Is Brief
John 3:36 says, “He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life: and he that believeth not the Son shall not see life; but the wrath...